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Aemon was the firstborn surviving son and heir of Jaehaerys I Targaryen. He married a Baratheon, which seems like it would be not super incest-y, but that Baratheon was also his aunt. Aemon died before his father, passing the role of heir down to his younger brother Baelon. Viserys spent most of his life with Dany in the Free Cities, where they were smuggled as children to stay safe from Baratheon forces in the aftermath of the civil war known as Robert’s Rebellion. The rebellion took the Iron Throne away from the Targaryens; Viserys’ sole focus was on reclaiming that power.
Maester Aemon
House of the Dragon turns back the clock to the weird old days of Targaryen rule — more specifically, the period before and during a civil war called the Dance of the Dragons. Needless to say, there are a lot more Targaryens around in this time than there were during Thrones, and remembering who’s related to who is a lot harder in this show. Not only do we have what the Targaryen family tree looked like at the start of Season 1, but also we've got the update to keep things straight after the Season 1, episode 6 time jump. Rhaenys and Corlys have two children who are involved throughout House of the Dragon, a daughter and son named Laena and Laenor.
Jaehaerys “The Old King” Targaryen

After his death, the only remaining son of the previous king, Jaehaerys I, succeeded to the throne. As Game of Thrones fans know, Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys Targaryen (or Khaleesi) played a major role in the hit series’ eight seasons. According to various Targaryen timelines around the internet, Daenerys is a distant niece of Princess Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra’s second son Lucerys (Harvey Sadler) is also, likely, the son of Harwin Strong. After the death of Laenor, who is perceived to be his father, his grandfather Corlys Velaryon, says that Lucerys will one day inherit Driftmark.
County Information[edit edit source]
This is the House of the Dragon Family Tree as of the sixth episode of Season 1. For clarity, we have only included the children directly related to the line of succession. The dotted line connecting Rhaenyra Targaryen’s children to Rhaenyra and her husband, Laenor Velaryon, indicates that Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey are not Laenor’s biological children.
Anyway, Daemion eventually had a son, Lord Aerion, who would name his first son Aegon. As we learn in the fantasy series, eventually, this young dragonlord would rise to lead the house and turn his ambitions west to the Seven Kingdoms, seeking to unite them under his banners. So the Targaryen family tree took root in Westeros, and the House of the Dragon began. Daemon's marriage to Rhea Royce ends soon after his second banishment from the Red Keep, with the lady officially dying of a fall from her horse. (It's heavily implied that Daemon kills her.) His second wife is Laena Velaryon, with whom he has twin girls, Baela and Rhaena. By the end of Episode 6, he's a single father after Laena dies by dragonfire while giving birth to a stillborn child.

Helaena Targaryen
This is the family tree as it exists at the start of House of the Dragon. Only the most relevant children in each generation are included, since fully outlining the dozens of rogue cousins, usurpers, minor monarchs, and temporary heirs would literally take longer than just watching the first episode. Before the Baratheons (and the Lannisters behind the scenes) ruled over Westeros in Game of Thrones, there was King Aerys II, the last Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne.
Census Records[edit edit source]
In the first episode of House of the Dragon, two dreamers who are pivotal to the Targaryens' conquest of Westeros are mentioned. The first, known as Daenys the Dreamer, was the maiden daughter or a Targaryen nobleman in Valyria, the ancestral land where the family lived before settling at the island Dragonstone. Daenys had a dream about the destruction of Valyria, and she convinced their family to leave before the land was destroyed in a volcanic cataclysm, known as the Doom of Valyria. The Targaryens were the only dragonriders (with the only dragons) to survive, and they lived on Dragonstone for the next century. The Hightowers were and are a small but powerful house; Alicent’s father, Otto Hightower, served as Hand of the King to Jaehaerys and then as Hand to Viserys.
Daenys “the Dreamer” Targaryen
Rhaegar wasn’t home at the time, but Aerys was, and seeing the enraged Stark, he had the lordling arrested and demanded his father come to court to answer for his son’s crimes. When Lord Rickard Stark arrived at the Red Keep, Aerys had him, and Brandon put to death and ordered that the youngest Stark, Eddard (Ned to you and me), be put to death as well, along with Lyanna’s betrothed Robert Baratheon. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and the North, the Riverlands, the Stormlands, and the Riverlands rose up in rebellion. Following the inferno and the deaths of Aegon and his heir Duncan, Jaehaerys was crowned king. While the common folk believe Jaehaerys proved himself a weak king during his short reign, he ruled for just three years, but that’s not entirely true.
Prince Lucerys Velaryon (Harvey Sadler, then Elliot Grihault)
At last, House of the Dragon is finally here—and the Targaryen family tree is just as confusing as ever. Daella Targaryen married young and unfortunately died giving birth to her first and only daughter, Aemma. Dany and Viserys’ oldest brother is long gone before the events of Game of Thrones begin, but is a key player in those events. After Episode 7, Baela lived with her grandmother Rhaenys in Driftmark, while Rhaena moved in with her father and Rhaenyra at Dragonstone. Though we don't spend much time with them in the show, Baela grows up to be a dragon-rider and tomboy à la Arya Stark, while Rhaena loves dresses and dancing.
This Targaryen family tree helps set up House of the Dragon -
This Targaryen family tree helps set up House of the Dragon.
Posted: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
A confrontation between Arrax and Aemond's dragon Vhagar results in Lucerys' death. By the end of episode 8, Lucerys is betrothed to his cousin-once-removed and step-sister, Lady Rhaena Targaryen. It is the wish of Lucerys' paternal grandfather Lord Corlys Velaryon that he eventually inherits Driftmark and the title of Lord of the Tides. Despite being close to her uncle Prince Daemon, she replaces him in the line of succession. As of her son's ascension, Alicent is now Dowager Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. In the aftermath of Viserys' death, Alicent becomes convinced that she is the one to unite the Seven Kingdoms and seizes the Iron Throne for Aegon and has him crowned.
But after Maegor's enigmatic demise, Aenys' son - Jaehaerys - succeeded to the throne by inciting an uprising against his oppressive uncle. Together with his sister-wives - Rhaenys and Visenya -he went to conquer six of Westeros' Seven Kingdoms. Most of his reign was dedicated to taking the Drone's principality, which failed and resulted in the death of Queen Rhaenys. This article presents a comprehensive discussion on the Targaryen family tree to make you well familiar with the descendants of the House of the Dragon. Alicent Clearly Suspects Rhaenrya’s Sons Have A Different Father Because She Demands To Examine Rhaenyra’s Baby Immediately After The Princess Gives Birth. Harwin Strong, the heir to the title of Lord of Harrenhal, is heavily hinted at as the true father of Jacaerys and his siblings in the show.
The book is a partial history of the Targaryens, with whom fans will be well-acquainted, since their reign stretches from Daenerys all the way back to the first king of Westeros. Daenerys is the daughter of King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella, and is the youngest of three. Aemond (Leo Ashton, and later Ewan Mitchell) is the youngest of Viserys and Alicent’s children and, at the beginning of the series, does not yet have a dragon. The other Targaryen children mock him for his inability to bond with one of the fire-breathing creatures.
House of the Dragon's final episode will have a huge impact on House Targaryen as war looms in Westeros. There were some major deaths, a heartbreaking birth, and plenty more dramatic moments as the Rhaenyra learned of the ongoing treason in King's Landing. However, given all that's happened this season, including several time jumps, you'd be forgiven if you needed some help keeping track of who's who in House of the Dragon. His first marriage was to Lady Rhea Royce, followed by Laena Velaryon, with whom he has two children, Rhaena and Baela. He later married his niece, Princess Rhaenyra, and they had three additional children together.
His council impaled Maegor on his own iron throne after only six years of reign. Unworthy kings were said to be pricked on the throne by a king rumoured to do so. However, Aerys II's youngest children claimed the Iron Throne as King Viserys III Targaryen and later Queen Daenerys I Targaryen. In the Game of Thrones television series, Jon Snow - who had thought himself to be the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark - was revealed to have Targaryen lineage. But House of the Dragon will chart her ancestors, so we thought she was worth mentioning.
Eve Best plays Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the daughter of the late Prince Aemon Targaryen, the eldest son of King Jaehaerys. Following the death of King Viserys and the crowning of King Aegon II Targaryen, Daemon crowns his wife Rhaenyra as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and advocates war with the Greens. Due to King Viserys's lack of male children, Prince Daemon occupies the position as the heir to the Iron Throne, despite being considered the 'Rogue Prince'. Later in the first season, Helaena is married to her older brother Aegon.
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